Celebrate the new year with a fun new artpack: IGNITE 01!
This pack celebrates "Instant Graphics and Sound," a unique Atari ST-specific corner of BBS history, with 18 new images and animations for your viewing pleasure.
Download the pack from @mistfunk:
Learn more about it at Break Into Chat:
Or, if you don't want the hassle of extracting ZIP files, copying to floppies, or firing up an emulator, NO WORRIES. We made a nine-minute video with all the pack's content.
One of the cool things about IGS is that — just like RIPscrip — the files contain their own drawing history. So even "static" images can be a sort of animation as you watch them draw/render. This video will let you see that process for each image.
For anyone who might be interested in how I developed my IGS animations — I posted the JS code for the three-minute Calvin and Hobbes to GitHub:
I also upload the igs.js library I am using on my Synchronet BBS to help me serve IGS content:
The IGNITE 01 artpack and my "Instant Graphics and Sound" history series got a little bit of love from Slashdot and Hacker News recently.
Neither are the firehoses they used to be, but I welcome the exposure! I'm glad people are reading the story I researched and experiencing the art we made to show off IGS.
@kirkman great work on the ST/FTL anims!
@vga256 thank you! The GOF one is the login screen if you connect to my bbs with IGS.
The Calvin animation is brand new, and was a massive amount of work. But I’m really happy how it turned out.
@kirkman awesome :)